There has been much ado about implementing a cost reflective tariff especially in recent times by key sector participants: Generating Companies (GenCos), Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) and the Distribution Companies (DisCos). On March 31, 2020, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) issued an order titled NERC Order No: NERC/198/2020 – Order on the Transition …
Overview of Cost Reflective Tariff as Basis for Improved Electricity Services in the NESI- Part 1
Nigeria today is grappling to find its way out of the darkness that seemingly never goes away. Irregular electricity supply continues to be a mammoth issue that stakeholders and citizens bemoan every day. The 11 Distribution Companies (DisCos) who took over the distribution assets from the now defunct Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) and …

The Impact of the ELIGIBLE CUSTOMER REGULATION 2017 (Part 2)
In Part 1 of this series we looked at what constituted the Eligible Customer policy directive, the categories of Eligible Customers and its impact on the NESI.

Regulatory Framework for Foreign Company Incorporation in Nigeria (Part 2)
In Part 1 we had discussed the first three steps in registering a foreign company in Nigeria which included incorporation at CAC, obtaining a TIN as well as registering for VAT with FIRS, opening a domiciliary account and obtaining a certificate of capital importation.

The Impact of the ELIGIBLE CUSTOMER REGULATION 2017 (Part 1)
The then Minister of Power, Works and Housing made a declaration taking effect on 19 May 2017 which allows eligible consumers purchase electrical power from generating companies (GenCos), this declaration was in accordance with section 27 Electric Power Sector Reform Act (EPSRA) 2005

Regulatory Framework for Foreign Company Incorporation in Nigeria (Part 1)
A foreign company interested in setting up a new company, subsidiary or a Joint Venture in Nigeria will need to meet certain basic regulatory framework which will legalize its entry into the country.

Interconnected Minigrids: Bridging The Gap Between On-Grid And Off-Grid In Nigeria
Despite the N700 billion and another N600 billion intervention fund to ameliorate the liquidity crisis plaguing the power sector, it is still in murky waters. Along the power value chain we find that gas Generating Companies (GenCos) are unable to pay their suppliers and are currently facing liquidation threats as a result of huge indebtedness …

Getting the Deal Through: Electricity Regulation 2020
An overview of the regulation and business of electricity generation, transmission, distribution and supply, provided by lawyers writing on the markets in their own jurisdictions. Areas covered include: governmental policy, legislative framework and industry overview, government and administrative authorizations, interconnection of generation to the grid, transactions between utilities and their affiliates, access to transmission services …

Getting the Deal Through: Electricity Regulation 2018
An overview of the regulation and business of electricity generation, transmission, distribution and supply, provided by lawyers writing on the markets in their own jurisdictions. Areas covered include: governmental policy, legislative framework and industry overview, government and administrative authorisations, interconnection of generation to the grid, transactions between utilities and their affiliates, access to transmission services …

A-Z of investing in Renewable Energy – Part 2
Nigeria as we saw in the last part of this series is endowed with vast and varied natural resources which can be used to produce green energy. The renewable energy sector is green and developing yet poised for spectacular growth