Introduction: Energy transition encompasses a movement from the use of fossil fuel such as coal, crude oil and natural gas in our energy supply system to a system based on energy generated from renewable sources such as solar, wind and geothermal energy. Fossil energy sources are limited and usually reserve based. In addition, in …

The Impact of the ELIGIBLE CUSTOMER REGULATION 2017 (Part 2)
In Part 1 of this series we looked at what constituted the Eligible Customer policy directive, the categories of Eligible Customers and its impact on the NESI.

The Impact of the ELIGIBLE CUSTOMER REGULATION 2017 (Part 1)
The then Minister of Power, Works and Housing made a declaration taking effect on 19 May 2017 which allows eligible consumers purchase electrical power from generating companies (GenCos), this declaration was in accordance with section 27 Electric Power Sector Reform Act (EPSRA) 2005

Interconnected Minigrids: Bridging The Gap Between On-Grid And Off-Grid In Nigeria
Despite the N700 billion and another N600 billion intervention fund to ameliorate the liquidity crisis plaguing the power sector, it is still in murky waters. Along the power value chain we find that gas Generating Companies (GenCos) are unable to pay their suppliers and are currently facing liquidation threats as a result of huge indebtedness …

NERC’S Proposed Franchising Of Discos and Attendant Problems
Since the commencement of Power Sector Reforms in 2005, the Distribution Companies (DisCos) have been unable to satisfactorily meet stakeholders’ expectations in the provision of reliable electricity services to all customers within their coverage areas. DisCos have had little or limited expansion of their networks as such unable to satisfactorily supply electricity to consumers who are connected …